BTEUP Development of Android Applications Syllabus (DAA)

Knowing the details of Mobile and their working principle are need of the every common man. Mobile Application development is the very hot business domain. Majority of the corporate have a separate division for the development of mobile applications. It is
essential that diploma students must know the way to apply advanced data communicating methods and networking protocols for wireless and mobile devices. Hence this subject.

After undergoing this subject, the students will be able to:
. • illustrate the usage of different components of Android OS in detail

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  • develop a mobile application using different components of Android
  • choose appropriate controls to design the GUI to meet desired needs
  • consume JSON data and call web services from Android mobile app.
  • write a program in Android to store data in databases
  • develop Mobile applications using Android

1. Introduction to ANDROID

What is Android? Dalvik Virtual Machine & . apk file extension, Fundamentals: Basic Building blocks –
Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers, UI Components – Views & notifications,
Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters, Android API levels (versions & version names)

2.Environment Setup and Basic Project Structure

Setting up development environment Android, Manifest.xml, Gradle, Uses-permission & uses-sdk,
Resources &, Assets, Layouts & Drawable Resources, First sample Application, Launching
emulator, Editing emulator settings, Emulator shortcuts, Logcat usage, Introduction to DDMS, Hello
World App, Creating your first project The manifest file Layout resource, Running your app on Emulator,
Debugging the Android App.

3.Android Fundaments and User Interface Design

Activities and Activity lifecycle, Permission System
Basic UI Components:
Text View, Button, Radio Button , Edit Text, Image View for image, Check Box , Progress Bar, Event
Handling in Android
Liner Layout, Relative Layout, Frame Layout, Coordinate Layout, [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px
Intents introduction and importance, Types of Intents (Explicit Intents, Implicit intents)

4.Menus and Preferences

Introduction to Menus, Types of Menus (Option menu, Context menu), Uses of Shared Preferences

5.Advanced UI Components

Time and Date, List View, Grid View, Card View, recycler view Adaptors (Base Adaptor, Array Adaptor)
& View Holder, Dialogs, Toast, Popup, Fragments, Material Design(Introduction , Navigation, Floating
Button , Tool bar).

6.Threads in Android

Threads running on UI thread (run on UI Thread), Worker thread, Handlers & Runnable, AsynTask ,
calling web services and consuming JSON data from Web Services.

7.Notifications & Services

Broadcast Receivers (Introduction, different ways to register a broadcast receiver), Introduction to
Notification, Overview & Types of services, implementing a Service, Service lifecycle

8.Storage and Content Provider

Supported Storage in Android (Internal memory, External memory, Shared Preferences and network),
SQLite introduction, CRUD Operations in SQLite database ( cursor, content values etc) , Basics of
Content Provider

  1. Install the Android Studio and Setup the Development Environment
  2. Write a program to demonstrate activity (Application Life Cycle)
  3. Write a program to demonstrate different types of layouts
  4. Write a program to implement simple calculator using text view, edit view, option button and button
  5. Write a program to develop app having multiple activities and user should be able switch between the
    activities by using intents.
  6. Write a program to demonstrate list view
  7. Write a program to demonstrate photo gallery
  8. Write a program to demonstrate Date picker and time picker
  9. Develop an simple application with context menu and option menu.
  10. Write a program to demonstrate the functionality of Shared Preferences.
  11. Develop a sample Android application having navigation items similar to Gmail Application.
  12. Write a program to demonstrate a service
  13. Write a program to demonstrate the application of intent class
  14. Write a program to create a text file in a external memory
  15. Write a program to store and fetch data from SQL life database.

Since this subject is practice oriented, the teacher should demonstrate the capabilities
of Android app to students while doing practical exercises. The students should be made
familiar with developing mobile app and understand the basic concept of Android

− Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-term and end-term written tests
− Software installation, operation, development
− Actual laboratory and practical work, exercises and viva-voce

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