BTEUP Applied Physics 1st Syllabus 2024-25

Applied physics includes the study of a diversified topics related to the world around us. It aims to give an understanding of this world both by observation and by prediction of the way in which objects behave. Concrete knowledge of physical laws, analysis and applications in various fields of engineering and technology are given prominence in this course content.

Note: Teachers should give examples of engineering/technology applications of various concepts and principles in each topic so that students are able to learn and appreciate these concepts and principles. In all contents, SI units should be followed.

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After undergoing this course, the students will be able to:

  1. Identify the use of S.I. system of measurement with accuracy and how it is used in engineering
  2. Represent physical quantities as scalars and vectors, applying the physical laws and concepts of linear and circular motion in everyday life.
  3. Solve difficult problems (walking of man, horse and cart problem, flying of bird/ aircraft, etc.)
  4. Analyse and design banking of roads/railway tracks and apply conservation of momentum principle to Explain rocket propulsion, recoil of gun etc.
  5. Derive work, power and energy relationship and solve problems about work and power.
  6. Define work, energy and power and their units.
  7. Describe conservation of energy and its applications
  8. Understand the concept of rotational motion of a rigid body and its applications
  9. Apply the physical laws and concepts of gravity, its variation with longitude and latitude and its uses in space satellite etc. .
  10. Understand the concept of elasticity, surface tension, pressure and the laws governing movement of Fluids.
  11. Express physical work in term of heat and temperature; Measure temperature in various processes on different scales (Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit etc.)
  12. Distinguish between conduction, convection and radiation, identify the different methods for reducing heat losses
  13. Understand the laws of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle and their applications.

1.Units and Dimensions

  1. Need of Measurement in engineering and science, unit of a physical quantities – fundamental and derived units, systems of units (FPS, CGS and SI units)
  2. Dimensions and dimensional formulae of physical quantities.
  3. Principle of homogeneity of dimensions
  4. Dimensional equations and their applications, conversion of numerical values of physical quantities from one system of units into another, checking the correctness of physical equations and deriving relations among various physical quantities
  5. Limitations of dimensional analysis
  6. Error in measurement, accuracy and precision of instruments measuring instruments least count, random and systematic errors, absolute error, relative error, and percentage error, Estimation of probable errors in the results of measurement (combination of errors in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and powers), rules for representing significant figures and rounding off in calculation.

2.Force and Motion

  1. Scalar and vector quantities – examples, representation of vector, types of vectors
  2. Addition and Subtraction of Vectors, Triangle and Parallelogram law (Statement only), Scalar and Vector Product.
  3. Resolution of Vectors and its application to lawn roller and inclined plane.
  4. Force, Momentum, Statement and Derivation of Conservation of linear momentum, its applications such as recoil of gun.
  5. Impulse and its Applications
  6. Circular motion (Uniform and Non-uniform), definition of angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, frequency, time period.
  7. Relation between linear and angular velocity, linear acceleration and angular acceleration (related numerical)
  8. Central force, Expression and Applications of Centripetal and centrifugal forces with examples Such as banking of roads and bending of cyclist.
  9. Gravitational force, Kepler’s law of planetary motion.
  10. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with depth and height from earth surface.

3.Work, Power and Energy

  1. Work: and its units, examples of zero work, positive work and negative work.
  2. Friction: modern concept, types, laws of limiting friction, Coefficient of friction, reducing friction and its Engineering Applications.
  3. Work done in moving an object on horizontal and inclined plane for rough and plane surfaces with its applications
  4. Energy and its units: Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy with examples and their derivation.
  5. Mechanical Energy, Principle of conservation of mechanical energy for freely falling bodies, examples of transformation of energy.
  6. Power and its units, calculation of power in numerical problems

4 Rotational Motion

  1. Concept of translatory and rotatory motions with examples
  2. Definition of torque with examples
  3. Angular momentum, Conservation of angular momentum (quantitative) and its examples
  4. Moment of inertia and its physical significance, radius of gyration for rigid body, Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes (statements only), Moment of inertia of rod, disc, ring and sphere (hollow and solid) (Formulae only).
  5. Rotational kinetic energy, Rolling of sphere on the slant plane
  6. Comparison of linear motion and rotational motion.

5.Properties of Matter

  1. Elasticity: definition of stress and strain, different types of modulii of elasticity, Hooke’s law, significance of stress strain curve
  2. Pressure: definition, its units, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, absolute pressure, Fortin’s Barometer and its applications
  3. Surface tension: concept, its units, angle of contact cohesive and adhesive forces, Capillary action ascent formula (No derivation), applications of surface tension, effect of temperature and impurity on surface tension
  4. Viscosity and coefficient of viscosity: Terminal velocity, Stoke’s law and effect of temperature on viscosity, application in hydraulic systems.
  5. Concept of fluid motion, stream line and turbulent flow, Reynold’s number Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s Theorem ( only formula) and their applications.

6.Heat and Thermometry

  1. Concept of Heat and Temperature.
  2. Modes of transfer of heat (Conduction, convection and radiation with examples)
  3. Different scales of temperature and their relationship and definition of specific heat.
  4. Expansion of solids, liquids and gases, coefficient of linear, surface and cubical expansions and relation amongst them
  5. Concept of Co-efficient of thermal conductivity and its engineering application.
  6. Types of thermometers (Mercury Thermometer And Bimetallic Thermometer And Their Uses)
  1. To measure length, radius of a given cylindrical body like test tube, beaker using a one-year calipers and find volume of each object.
  2. To determine diameter of a wire, a solid ball using a screw gauge.
  3. To determine the Radius of curvature of (i) convex mirror, (ii) concave mirror by spherometer
  4. To verify parallelogram law of forces.
  5. To find the coefficient of friction between wood and glass using a horizontal board.
  6. To determine the atmospheric pressure at a place using Fortin’s Barometer
  7. To determine the viscosity of glycerin by Stoke’s method
  8. To verify law of conservation of mechanical energy (PE to KE).
  9. To measure room temperature and temperature of hot bath using mercury thermometer and convert it into different scales.
  10. To determine force constant of spring using Hooks law.

Teacher may use various teaching aids like live models, charts, graphs and experimental kits etc.
for imparting effective instructions in the subject. The teacher should explain about field
applications before teaching the basics to develop proper understanding of the physical
phenomenon. Use of demonstration and animations can make the subject interesting and may
develop scientific temper in the students. Teacher must plan a tour of Science Park/planetarium
available in nearby areas in order to enhance the interest in this course.

  • Assignment & Quiz,
  • Mid-Term and End-Term written test,
  • Model Making,
  • Actual Lab & Practical Work,
  • Viva Voice
  1. Text Book of Physics for Class XI (Part-I, Part-II); N.C.E.R.T., Delhi
  2. Concepts in Physics by HC Verma, Vol. I & II, Bharti Bhawan Ltd. New Delhi
  3. Comprehensive Practical Physics, Vol, I & II, JN Jaiswal, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi
  4. B.Sc. Practical Physics by C L Arora, S. Chand Publication..
  5. Engineering Physics by PV Naik, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
  6. Engineering Physics by DK Bhhatacharya & Poonam Tandan; Oxford University Press, New Delhi
  7. Modern Engineering Physics by SL Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications
  8. V. Rajendran,physics-I, Tata McGraw-Hill raw Hill publication, New Delhi
  9. Arthur Beiser, Applied Physics, Tata McGraw-Hill raw Hill publication, New Delhi
  10. Physics Volume 1, 5th edition, Haliday Resnick and Krane, Wiley publication

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