BTEUP Communication Skills in English Syllabus 2024-25

Communication Skills play an important role in career development. This lab course aims at actively
involving students in various activities to improve their communication skills with an emphasis on
developing personality of the students.

After undergoing this course, the students must be able to:

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  1. Develop listening skills for enhancing communications.
  2. Develop speaking skills with a focus on correct pronunciation and fluency.
  3. Introduce the need for personality development – Focus will be on developing certain qualities which will aid students in handling personal and career challenges, leadership skills etc., for that purpose group discussion extempore and other activities should be conducted during lab classes.

Unit -1 Communication: Theory and Practice

  1. Basics of Communication, Definition Process of Communication
  2. Types of communication (formal and informal, verbal and non-verbal), 7 C’s of Communication
  3. Barriers to communication and ways to overcome them
  4. Tools or devices of Communication

Unit – 2 Soft Skills for Professional Excellence

  1. Introduction to Soft skills and hard skills
  2. Importance of soft skills
  3. Applying soft skills across cultures

Unit – 3 Reading Comprehension: English for Communication

On Communication

  1. Professional Development of Technicians
  2. Leadership and Supervision
  3. The Romance of Reading
  4. Sir C V Raman

Unit: 4 Professional Writing

CV Writing, Covering Letter, Resume, Notices, Precis -Writing, Official Letters (Memo, Circular, Office
Orders, Agenda, Minutes of Meeting, Report Wring, E-mail Drafting)

Unit: 5 Vocabulary and Grammar (08 Periods)

  1. Sentence and its Types
  2. Parts of Speech
  3. Tenses
  4. Active and Passive Voice
  5. Punctuation
  6. One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases

Unit-1 Listening skills

  1. Introduction to listening process and practice
  2. Listening to recorded lectures/speeches/poems/interviews and Dialogues

Unit 2 Introduction to phonetics

  1. Sounds: consonants, vowels (Monophthongs and Diphthongs)
  2. Transcription of words (IPA) syllable diversion and word stress

Unit 3 Speaking skills

  1. Self and Peer introduction
  2. Extempore-Just a minute session
  3. Greeting and starting conversation
  4. Leave taking
  5. Wishing well
  6. Talking about likes and dislikes
  7. Asking questions-polite responses
  8. Apologizing/forgiving
  9. Complaining/Warning
  10. Asking and giving information
  11. Getting and giving Permission
  12. Asking for and giving Opinion
  13. Delivering formal speeches
  14. Mock Interviews
  15. Presentation
  16. Conversation practices in various situations such as -asking address, enquiries at places like retail shop, service center, bank, customer care etc.

Unit 4 Building Vocabulary

  1. Word Formation
  2. Phrasal Verbs, Foreign Phrases, Jargons
  3. Word Games such as crosswords, scrabble, quiz spell it etc. (To enhance self-expression and vocabulary of participants.

Student should be encouraged to participate in role play and other student centered activities in class room
and actively participate in listening exercises

  1. Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-semester and end-semester written tests
  2. Actual practical work, exercises and viva-voce
  3. Presentation and viva-voce
  1. Communicating Effectively in English, Book-I by RevathiSrinivas; Abhishek Publications, Chandigarh.
  2. Communication Techniques and Skills by R. K. Chadha; DhanpatRai Publications, New Delhi.
  3. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin; S. Chand & Company Ltd., Delhi.
  4. Excellent General English-R.B.Varshnay, R.K. Bansal, Mittal Book Depot, Malhotra
  5. The Functional aspects of Communication Skills – Dr. P. Prsad, S.K. Katria& Sons, New Delhi
  6. Q. Skills for success – Level & Margaret Books, Oxford University Press.
  7. E-books/e-tools/relevant software to be used as recommended by AICTE/UPBTE/NITTTR.
  8. English for Communication (text Book Published by IRDT, Kanpur 1998).
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