BTEUP FEEE Syllabus 2024-25

To learn basic concepts of various active and passive electronic components, signals, measuring instruments, digital electronics, electric and magnetic circuits, ac circuits, transformer, motors and their applications. To help the students deal with the electrical and electronics engineering principles and applications in industrial processes of different fields.

After undergoing the subject, the students will be able to:

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  • Understand and identify key electronic components and their applications.
  • Use and understand basic electrical measuring instruments.
  • Grasp the fundamentals of logic gates, Boolean algebra, and digital circuits.
  • Understand basic concepts of electric and magnetic circuits.
  • Analyze A.C. circuits and understand phase relationships and power calculations.
  • Understand the principles and applications of transformers and electrical machines.

UNIT- I Overview of electronic components:

Active and Passive components, Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor and their types. Introduction to semiconductor, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi-conductors, P-N Junction diode – forward and reverse bias, V-I characteristics, Zener diode, LED. Bipolar Junction Transistor – PNP and NPN Transistor and their characteristics. Basics of FET, MOSFET.

UNIT- II Basic measuring instruments:

Basic concept of Ideal and non-ideal voltage and current sources, sinusoidal and non sinusoidal waveforms, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter and digital multimeter, CRO (Block diagram, working and its uses).

UNIT –III Overview of Digital Electronics:

Analog and digital signal, advantages of digital system. Introduction to Logic levels and Boolean Algebra, Basics of number system, Logic Gates-Truth Table and Symbol of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, ExOR ,ExNOR Gates. Introduction to Latch, Flip Flops, Combinational Circuit and Sequential Circuit.

Unit -IV Electric and Magnetic Circuits:

Definitions of basic terms, such as Current, Resistance, EMF, Potential Difference, Power and Energy, Ohm’s Law and its limitation, Kirchhoff’s laws; M.M.F, magnetic force, flux, permeability, hysteresis loop, reluctance, leakage factor and BH curve; Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law; Dynamically induced emf; Statically induced emf; Equations of
self and mutual inductance; Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits.

Unit -V A.C. Circuits:

Cycle, Frequency, Periodic time, Amplitude, Angular velocity, RMS value, Average value, Form Factor Peak Factor, impedance, phase angle, and power factor; Mathematical and phasor representation of alternating emf and current; A.C in resistors, inductors and capacitors; A.C in R-L series, R-C series, RL-C series circuits; Power in A. C. Circuits, power triangle; Relationship between line and phase voltage and line and phase current in Star and Delta connections.

Unit -VI Transformers and Machines:

Single phase transformer: Construction, working principle, types, EMF equation, transformation ratio of transformers. Brief idea of Auto transformer.
Machines: DC machines: Types, EMF equation of generator and motor.
Single Phase Induction Motor: Principle of operation and introduction to methods of starting.
Three Phase Induction Motor: Construction and Principle of operation.

The instructional strategy combines lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs. Lectures will cover key
concepts, while demonstrations will illustrate component functions and instrument operations. Handson labs will provide practical experience with electronic components and measuring instruments.
Interactive quizzes and problem-solving sessions will reinforce and assess understanding, ensuring
practical application of theoretical knowledge.

  • Assignment & Quiz
  • Lab & Practical Work
  • Viva-Voice
  1. Identify various passive and active electronic components in the given circuit.
  2. Determine the value of given resistor using digital multi-meter to confirm with color code.
  3. Exercise of soldering and de-soldering of components in circuits.
  4. To study performance of PN-junction diodes and draw its V-I characteristics.
  5. To measure frequency, time period and amplitude of a sinusoidal signal using CRO.
  6. To measure voltage and current using digital multi-meter.
  7. To verify the truth tables for all logic gates – NOT, OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR.
  8. Implement and realize Boolean Expressions with Logic Gates
  9. Verify the Kirchhoff’s laws.
  10. Measure voltage, current and power in 1-phase circuit with resistive load.
  11. Measure voltage, current and power in R-L series circuit.
  12. Verify the ohms law.
  13. Use of voltmeter, ammeter, and watt-meter.
  14. Connect resistors in series and parallel combination on bread board and measure its value using
    digital multi-meter.
  15. Connect capacitors in series and parallel combination on bread board and measure its value using
  1. Ritu Sahdev, Basic Electrical Engineering, Khanna Publishing House.
  2. Mittle and Mittal, Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Education, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 978- 0-07-0088572-5.
  3. Saxena, S. B. Lal, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Cambridge University Press, latest edition, ISBN: 9781107464353.
  4. Theraja, B. L., Electrical Technology Vol – I, S. Chand Publications, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 9788121924405.
  5. Theraja, B. L., Electrical Technology Vol – II, S. Chand Publications, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 9788121924375.
  6. Jegathesan, V., Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 97881236529513.
  7. Sedha, R.S., A Textbook of Applied Electronics, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-8121927833.
  8. Malvino, Albert Paul, David, Electronics Principles, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN-13: 0070634244-978.
  9. Mehta, V.K., Mehta, Rohit, Principles of Electronics, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN-13: 9788121924504.
  10. Bell, David, Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN: 9780195425239.

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