BTEUP Environmental Science Syllabus

A diploma holder must have knowledge of different types of pollution caused due to industriesand constructional activities so that he may help in balancing the ecosystem and controlling pollution by various control measures. He should also be aware of environmental laws related to the control of pollution. He should know how to manage the waste. He should know the concept of hazards and disaster management.

After undergoing the subject, the student will be able to:

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  • Comprehend the importance of ecosystem and sustainable development.
  • Demonstrate interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues
  • Identify different types of environmental pollution and control measures.
  • Explain environmental legislation acts.
  • Demonstrate positive attitude towards judicious use of energy and environmental protection
  • Practice energy efficient techniques in day-to-day life and industrial processes.
  • Analyze the impact of human activities on the environment
  • Understand the basic concept of disaster and hazards.
  • Analyze the impact of disaster on various social components.


Basics of ecology, eco system- concept, and sustainable development, Resources renewable and nonrenewable. Global Warming, Climate change and its impact ,Green House Effect, Acid Rain, Concept of Green Building, Ground water management.

2.Air Pollution and Noise pollution

Source of air pollution. Effect of air pollution on human health, economy, plant, animals. Air Pollution Control Methods. Introduction to Air Pollution and its Prevention and Control Act 1981 & Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Function of State pollution control board and National Green Tribunal (NGT).
Source of noise pollution, Unit of noise, Effect of noise pollution, Acceptable noise level, Different method of minimize noise pollution.

3.Water Pollution and Soil Pollution

Impurities in water, Cause of water pollution, Source of water pollution. Effect of water pollutionon human health, Turbidity, pH, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, Concept of dissolved O2, BOD, COD. Prevention of water pollution. Introduction to Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974.Concept of rain water harvesting system.
Sources of soil pollution, Types of Solid waste- House hold, Hospital, From Agriculture,

Biomedical, Animal waste and human waste, sediments and E-waste, Plastic Waste .
Effect of Solid waste, Disposal of Solid Waste- Solid Waste Management.

4.Disaster Causes and Hazards

  1. Introduction
  2. Classification of Natural Disasters
  3. Classification of Natural Disasters in India
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami
  • Flood
  • Drought
  • Land Slide
  • Thunderstorm and Lightening

5.Disaster Management


  • Yokohama Strategy for a Safer World (1999)
  • The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) (2005-2015)
  • Sendai Framework for Action (SDGS) (2015-2030)

2. Disaster Management, Preparedness and Response in India

  • National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Guidelines
  • National Policy on Disaster Management (2009)
  • National Disaster Management Act (2005)
  • NDRF (National Disaster Response Force), SDRF (State Disaster Response Force), DDRF (District Disaster Response Force), and Aapda Mitra.
  • Case studies of disaster management efforts: COVID-19 Pandemic, Earthquakes, Firefighting, Thunder Storm, and Lightning.

In addition to theoretical instructions, different activities pertaining to Environmental Studies like expert lectures, seminars, visits to green house, effluent treatment plant of any industry, rain water harvesting plant etc. may also be organized.

  • Assignments and quiz/class tests,
  • Mid-term and end-term written tests
  1. Environmental and Pollution Awareness by Sharma BR; Satya Prakashan, New Delhi.
  2. Environmental Protection Law and Policy in India by Thakur Kailash; Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
  3. Environmental Pollution by Dr. RK Khitoliya; S Chand Publishing, New Delhi
  4. Environmental Science by Deswal and Deswal; DhanpatRai and Co. (P) Ltd. Delhi.
  5. Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain; Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd. Delhi.
  6. Environmental Studies by ErachBharucha; University Press (India) Private Ltd., Hyderabad.
  7. Environmental Engineering and Management by Suresh K Dhamija; S K Katariaand Sons,New Delhi.
  8. E-books/e-tools/relevant software to be used as recommended by AICTE/BTE/NITTTR,Chandigarh.
  9. Disaster Management Second Edition AICTE Recommended by S C Sharma, Khanna Publishers
  10. Bharat Bhautik Paryavaran Class 11, By NCERT.
  11. Apda Avem Apda Prabhandhan | आपदा और आपदा प्रबंधन | Mahesh Kumar Barnwal | CosmosPublication.
  12. S.C. Sharma & M.P. Poonia, Environmental Studies, Khanna publishing House, New Delhi

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