BTEUP Applied Chemistry Syllabus

There are numerous number materials are used in fabricating and manufacturing devices for the comfort of life. The selection, characterization and suitability assessment of natural raw materials essentially requires principles and concepts of Applied Chemistry for technicians. On successful completion of this course content will enable technicians to understand, ascertain and analyses and properties of natural raw materials require for producing economical and eco-friendly finished products.

After undergoing this course, the students must be able to:

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ï‚· Solve various engineering problems applying the basic knowledge of atomic structure and chemical
ï‚· Use relevant water treatment method to solve domestic and industrial problems.
ï‚· Solve the engineering problems using knowledge of engineering materials and properties.
ï‚· Use relevant fuel and lubricants for domestic and industrial applications
ï‚· Solve the engineering problems using concept of Electrochemistry and corrosion.

Unit 1: Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Solutions

Rutherford model of atom, Bohr’s theory (expression of energy and radius to be omitted), and hydrogen spectrum explanation based on Bohr’s model of atom, Heisenberg uncertaintyprinciple, Quantum numbers – orbital concept. Shapes of s,p and d orbitals, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity Aufbau rule, electronic configuration.

Concept of chemical bonding – cause of chemical bonding, types of bonds: ionic bonding (NaCl example), covalent bond (H2, F2, HF hybridization in BeCl2, BF3, CH4, NH3, H2O), coordination bond in NH4 +, and anomalous properties of NH3, H2O due to hydrogen bonding, and metallic bonding.

Solution – idea of solute, solvent and solution, methods to express the concentration of solution molarity (M = mole per liter), Molality, Normality, ppm, mass percentage, volume percentage and mole fraction.

Unit 2: Water

Graphical presentation of water distribution on Earth (pie or bar diagram). Classification of soft and hard water based on soap test, salts causing water hardness, unit of hardness and simple numerical on water hardness.

Cause of poor lathering of soap in hard water, problems caused by the use of hard water inboiler (scale and sludge, foaming and priming, corrosion etc), and quantitative measurement of water hardness by ETDA method, total dissolved solids (TDS) alkalinity estimation.

  1. Water softening techniques – soda lime process, zeolite process and ion exchange process.
  2. Municipal water treatment (in brief only) – sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, sterilization.
  3. Water for human consumption for drinking and cooking purposes from any water sources and enlist Indian standard specification of drinking water (collect data and understand standards).

Unit 3: Engineering Materials (11 periods)

Natural occurrence of metals – minerals, ores of iron, aluminium and copper, gangue (matrix), flux, slag, metallurgy – brief account of general principles of metallurgy.

Extraction of – iron from haematite ore using blast furnace, aluminium from bauxite along with reactions.
Alloys – definition, purposes of alloying, ferrous alloys and non-ferrous withsuitable examples, properties and applications.

General chemical composition, composition based applications (elementary idea only detailsomitted):

Port land cement and hardening, Glasses Refractory and Composite materials.

Polymers – monomer, homo and co polymers, degree of polymerization, simple reactions involved in
preparation and their application of thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics (using PVC, PS, PTFE, nylon – 6, nylon-6,6 and Bakelite), rubber and vulcanization of rubber.

Unit 4: Chemistry of Fuels and Lubricants

Definition of fuel and combustion of fuel, classification of fuels, calorific values (HCV and LCV), calculation of HCV and LCV using Dulong’s formula.

Proximate analysis of coal solid fuel

Petrol and diesel – fuel rating (octane and cetane numbers),

Chemical composition, calorific values and applications of LPG, CNG, water gas, coal gas, producer gas and biogas.

Lubrication – function and characteristic properties of good lubricant, classification with examples,

lubrication mechanism – hydrodynamic and boundary lubrication, physical proper-ties (viscosity and viscosity index, oiliness, flash and fire point, could and pour point only) and chemical properties (coke number, total acid number saponification value) of lubricants.

Unit 5: Electro Chemistry

Electronic concept of oxidation, reduction and redox reactions.

Definition of terms: electrolytes, non-electrolytes with suitable examples, Faradays laws of

Electrolysis and simple numerical problems.Industrial Application of Electrolysis –

  • Electrometallurgy
  • Electroplating
  • Electrolytic refining.

Application of redox reactions in electrochemical cells –

  • Primary cells – dry cell,
  • Secondary cell – commercially used lead storage battery, fuel and Solar cells. Introduction to Corrosion of metals –
  • Definition, types of corrosion (chemical and electrochemical), H2 liberation and O2 absorption mechanism of electrochemical corrosion, factors affecting rate of corrosion.

Internal corrosion preventive measures –

  • Purification, alloying and heat treatment and External corrosion preventive measures: a) metal (anodic, cathodic) coatings, b) organic Inhibitors.

Perform any Ten Laboratory Practicals.

Volumetric and Gravimetric analysis:
  1. Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassium permanganate.
  2. To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthalein indicator.
  3. Standardization of KMnO4 solution using standard oxalic acid and determine the percentage of iron present in given Hematite ore by KMnO4 solution.
  4. Iodometric estimation of copper in the copper pyrite ore.
  5. Volumetric estimation of total acid number (TAN) of given oil.
  6. Volumetric estimation of:
    a) Total hardness of given water sample using standard EDTA solution.
    b) Alkalinity of given water sample using 0.01M sulphuric acid.
  7. Proximate analysis of coal:
    a) Gravimetric estimation of moisture in given coal sample.
    b) Gravimetric estimation of ash in given coal sample.
Instrumental analysis:
  1. Determine the conductivity of given water sample.
  2. Determination of the iron content in given cement sample using colorimeter.
  3. Determination of calorific value of solid or liquid fuel using bomb calorimeter.
  4. Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer.
  5. Determination of flash and fire point of lubricating oil using Abel’s flash point apparatus.
  6. To verify the first law of electrolysis of copper sulfate using copper electrode.
  7. Construction and measurement of emf of electrochemical cell (Daniel cell).
  8. To study the effect of dissimilar metal combination.
(a) Open source software and website address:
  1. (Atomic structure and chemical bonding)
  2. (Atomic structure and chemical bonding)
  3. (Atomic structure and chemical bonding)
  4. (Water Treatment)
  5. (Metals, Alloys, Cement, and Refractory Materials)
  6. (Fueland Combustion)
  7. (Metals, Alloys)
  8. Treatment)
References/Suggested Learning Resources:

(b) Books :

  1. Text Book of Chemistry for Class XI& XII (Part-I, Part-II); N.C.E.R.T., Delhi, 2017-18.
  2. Agarwal, & Shikha, Engineering Chemistry, Cambridge University Press; New Delhi, 2015.
  3. C.N. R. Rao, Understanding Chemistry, Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
  4. Dara, S. S. & Dr.S.S.Umare, Engineering Chemistry, S.Chand. Publication, New Delhi, New Del-hi, 2015.
  5. Jain & Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai and Sons; New Delhi, 2015.
  6. Dr. Vairam, S., Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
  7. Dr. G. H. Hugar & Prof A. N. Pathak, Applied Chemistry Laboratory Practices, Vol. I and Vol. II,NITTTR, Chandigarh, Publications, 2013-14.
  8. Agnihotri, Rajesh, Chemistry for Engineers, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2014

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