BTEUP Engineering Mechanics Syllabus

The course provides a foundational understanding of mechanics, covering force systems, equilibrium, and beam analysis under different loads. It explores friction and its applications, centroids and moments of inertia for various shapes, and the principles and applications of simple lifting machines.

After completing this course, student will be able to:

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  1. Identify the force systems for given conditions by applying the basics of mechanics.
  2. Determine unknown force(s) of different engineering systems.
  3. Apply the principles of friction in various conditions for useful purposes.
  4. Find the centroid and centre of gravity of various components in engineering systems.
  5. Select the relevant simple lifting machine(s) for given purposes.

Unit – I Basics of Mechanics and Force System :

Significance and relevance of mechanics, Applied mechanics, Statics, Dynamics. Space, time, mass, particle, flexible body and rigid body. Scalar and vector quantity, Units of measurement (SI units) – Fundamental units and derived units.
Force – unit, representation as a vector and by Bow’s notation, characteristics and effects of a force, Principle of transmissibility of force, Force system and its classification. Resolution of a force – Orthogonal components of a force, moment of a force, Varignon’s Theorem. Composition of forces – Resultant, analytical method for determination of resultant for concurrent, non-concurrent and parallel co-planar force systems – Law of triangle, parallelogram and polygon of forces.

Unit– II Equilibrium :

Equilibrium and Equilibrant, Free body and free body diagram, Analytical and graphical methods of analysing equilibrium. Lami’s Theorem – statement and explanation, Application for various engineering problems.

Beam- Types of beam, supports (simple, hinged, roller and fixed) and loads acting on beam (vertical and inclined point load, uniformly distributed load, couple), Beam reaction for cantilever, simply supported beam with or without overhang – subjected to combination of Point load and uniformly distributed load.

Unit– III Friction :

Friction and its relevance in engineering, types and laws of friction, limiting equilibrium, limiting friction, co-efficient of friction, angle of friction, angle of repose, relation between co-efficient of friction and angle of friction. Equilibrium of bodies on level surface subjected to force parallel and inclined to plane. Equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane subjected to force parallel to the plane only.

Unit– IV Centroid and Moment of Inertia :

Concept, definition and determination of Centroid of plain figures (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-circle, quarter circle) and Centre of gravity of symmetrical solid bodies (Cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere).

Concept of moment of inertia, Radius of Gyration, Theorem of perpendicular and parallel axis theorem. Concept of Second moment of area of standard areas (Rectangle, Triangle and circle) and composite area ( L,T,I section).

Unit – V Simple Lifting Machine :

Simple lifting machine, load, effort, mechanical advantage, applications and advantages. Velocity ratio, efficiency of machines, law of machine. Ideal machine, friction in machine, maximum Mechanical advantage and efficiency, reversible and non-reversible machines, conditions for reversibility.
System of pulleys (first, second, third system of pulleys), determination of velocity ratio, mechanical advantage and efficiency. Working principle and application of wheel and axle, Weston’s Differential Pulley Block , simple screw jack, worm and worm wheel, single and double winch crab. Expression for their velocity ratio and field of their application [Simple problems on the above topics]

  1. To study various equipment related to Engineering Mechanics.
  2. To find the M.A.,V.R., Efficiency and law of machine for differential Axel and Wheel.
  3. To find the M.A.,V.R., Efficiency and law of machine for Simple Screw Jack.
  4. Derive Law of machine using Worm and worm wheel.
  5. Determine resultant of concurrent force system applying law of Polygon of forces using force table.
  6. Determine resultant of concurrent force system graphically.
  7. Determine resultant of parallel force system graphically.
  8. Verify Lami’s theorem.
  9. Study forces in various members of Jib crane.
  10. Determine force reaction’s for simply supported beam.
  11. Determine Coefficient of friction for motion on horizontal and inclined plane.
  12. Determine centroid of geometrical plane figures.

The instructional strategy includes lectures, visual aids, and interactive examples for key mechanics concepts and force systems, along with problem-solving sessions. Equilibrium concepts are taught with practical demonstrations and hands-on beam analysis. Friction is explored through case studies and practical demonstrations, followed by exercises. Centroid and moment of inertia are covered with visual aids and practical tasks. Simple lifting machines are introduced through lectures and demonstrations, with problem-solving on mechanical advantage and efficiency.

  • Assignment & Quiz
  • Lab & Practical Work
  • Viva-Voice
  1. D.S. Bedi, Engineering Mechanics, Khanna Publications, New Delhi (2008)
  2. Khurmi, R.S., Applied Mechanics, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi.
  3. Bansal R K, A text book of Engineering Mechanics, Laxmi Publications.
  4. Ramamrutham, Engineering Mechanics, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi.
  5. Dhade, Jamadar & Walawelkar, Fundamental of Applied Mechanics, Pune Vidhyarthi Gruh.
  6. Ram, H. D.; Chauhan, A. K., Foundations and Applications of Applied Mechanics, Cambridge
    University Press.
  7. Meriam, J. L., Kraige, L.G., Engineering Mechanics- Statics, Vol. I, Wiley Publication, New Delhi.
  8. Bhavikatti S.S., Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Publishers

1 thought on “BTEUP Engineering Mechanics Syllabus”

  1. Sir please
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    Sir please 2024-25 syllabus ke according sir Thank you

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