To make the students understand the importance of sound health and fitness principles as they relate to better health. To expose the students to a variety of physical and yogic activities aimed at stimulatingtheir continued inquiry about Yoga, physical education, health and fitness. To create a safe, progressive, methodical and efficient activity based plan to enhance improvement and minimize risk of injury .To develop among students an appreciation of physical activity as a lifetime pursuit anda means to better health.
On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
- Practice Physical activities and Hatha Yoga focusing on yoga for strength, flexibility, andrelaxation.
- Learn techniques for increasing concentration and decreasing anxiety which leads to stronger academic performance.
- Learn breathing exercises and healthy fitness activities
- Understand basic skills associated with yoga and physical activities including strength and flexibility, balance and coordination.
- Perform yoga movements in various combination and forms.
- Assess current personal fitness levels.
- Identify opportunities for participation in yoga and sports activities.
- Develop understanding of health-related fitness components: cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition etc.
- Improve personal fitness through participation in sports and yogic activities.
- Develop understanding of psychological problems associated with the age and lifestyle.
- Demonstrate an understanding of sound nutritional practices as related to health andphysical performance.
- Assess yoga activities in terms of fitness value.
- Identify and apply injury prevention principles related to yoga and physical fitness activities.
- Understand and correctly apply biomechanical and physiological principles elated to exercise and training
1.Introduction to Physical Education
- Meaning & definition of Physical Education
- Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
- Meaning & Importance of Yoga
- Elements of Yoga- Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karm Yoga, Hathyoga, Astang Yoga .
- Introduction – Asans, Pranayama, Meditation & Bandh , Mudra and shat Karm .
- Meaning of Practice of various Yogic Sukhasan, Vyayams
- Practice of Asans and Benefits – Sidhasana, Padmasana,Vajrasana, Shasakasan, Singhasan, Gomukhasan, Virasan, Dhanurasan, Matsnyendrasan, Gorakhasan, Paschimottansan, Mayurasan, Garunasan, Pawanmuktasan, Kurmasan, Mandukasan, Shalabhasan, Makrasan, Bhujangasan, Naukasan, Shavasan, Sharvangasans, Halasan.
- Practice and Benefits of Pranayamas – Anulom- Vilom, Surya Bhedhi, Ujjayi, Sheetkari, Bhastrika, Bharamri, Murchha, kewali etc .
- Practice of Meditation – Meaning of Meditation, Types , Techniques, Benefits .
3.Olympic Movement
- Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values
- Awards and Honours in the field of Sports in India (Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award,
- Dhayanchand Award, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award etc.)
4.Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
- Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness & Wellness
- Components of Physical fitness
- Concept of Positive Lifestyle
5.Yoga & Lifestyle
- Ideal life style
- Asans and pranayams a preventive measures
- Yoga and Immunity
- Concept of Yogic diet.
- Life Style Diseases- Yoga management of Diseases, Yoga management of Stress, Yoga management of Obesity, Yoga management of High Blood Pressure, Yoga management of Insomia, Yoga management of Asthma, Yoga management of Joints Pains, Yoga management of Digestive Disorders .
6.Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology in Physical Education, Sports and Yoga
- Define Anatomy, Physiology & Its Importance
- Effect of exercise on the functioning of Various Body Systems.
- Circulatory System,
- Respiratory System,
- Meaning and Concept of Postures.
- Causes of Bad Posture.
- Advantages & disadvantages of weight training.
8.Training and Planning in Sports
- Meaning of Training
- Warming up and limbering down
9.Psychology & Sports
- Definition & Importance of Psychology in Physical Edu. & Sports
- Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development
- Meaning and Concept of Doping
11.Sports Medicine
- First Aid – Definition, Aims & Objectives.
- Sports injuries: Classification, Causes & Prevention.
12 Sports / Games
Following sub topics related to any one Game/Sport of choice of student out of: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Cricket, Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis, Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Yoga etc.
- History of the Game/Sport.
- Specifications of Play Fields and Related Sports Equipment.
- Important Tournaments and Venues.
- Modern Trends and Physical Education by Prof. Ajmer Singh.
- Light On Yoga By B.K.S. Iyengar.
- Health and Physical Education – NCERT (11th and 12th Classes)